Borneo Forest Credits

Your first step in saving the planet.
Borneo Forest Credits (BFC) is a forest credit economy powered by web3 to minimize the impact of deforestation while empowering the well-being of indigenous people and their homes.
Problem Statement
How can we protect natural habitats from deforestation while supporting the indigenous handicraft industry in Sabah/Sarawak?

How it works?
City developers are required to spend forest credits to Offset deforestation activities for development.

Earnings generated from forest credits are used to fund initiatives who run restoration Projects in indigenous villages.

Indigenous people are given a platform to sell their handicrafts, using the materials gathered from the restored forests.

Mockup Design

Buying BFC

Funding NGO

Handicraft Marketplace

With Support from APUBCC
This project is supported by APUBCC, the largest student blockchain club in Malaysia. We hope to spread knowledge on web3 as a platform for public goods and represent Malaysia in the crypto landscape.